
Monday, January 4, 2010

What is this?

It's a cold and snowy day today in Ankara, Turkey. Julia's boyfriend is out of town and he left her with his car. It's not often that us foreigners have a car at our disposal so we decided to take advantage. An exciting trip to Real ensued. Real is our grocery store, it is overpriced and unfriendly, yet we can find most of the things we need - albeit at an exorbitant price. It's just the luxuries that we lack. I would kill for Rice Krispies and I never again want to eat another Corn Flake in my life. Cheddar cheese would be a dream come true. Salsa would make me dance a jig. Nevertheless, we can find the necessities and a few small luxuries at Real. So anyways, we drove to Real and we found THIS vegetable:

It seems to be a cross between a cauliflower and a broccoli. We cooked it in the same way as it's parent vegetables and it was nice enough. But what is it? Is it a mutant vegetable??? Life in Ankara is so exciting that I feel inclined to share my vegetable findings with you. But you have to agree, this vegetable is a freak!


  1. Kudos for not just laughing at the weirdest vegetable you found, but actually buying and eating it. I found salsa here a few weeks ago, but what I would really love is some peanut butter and some black beans :(

  2. haha thanks - I definitely have to try new things more often. Black beans are also unavailable here...
